不是由於自然和技術的不成熟狀況而起作用,而是依靠權力地位起作用……我們社會的突出之處是,在壓倒一切的效率和日益升高的生活水準的雙重基礎上,利用「技術」而不是「恐佈」,去制服那些離心的社會力量。(宋國誠譯;Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society, Boston: Beacon Press, 1964)
Les classes supérieures travaillent à se distinguer par leurs goûts, que les classes moyennes cherchent à imiter, faisant preuve de "bonne volonté culturelle" à l'égard des pratiques et des goûts consacrés comme légitimes par les classes supérieures. Bourdieu décrit ainsi les stratégies engagées par les différents groupes sociaux à l'égard de la culture légitime.( Arnaud Parienty | Alternatives Economiques Pratique n° 021 - novembre 2005 )
Hearing the music of your choices, I can be more precise
about your preference, and you are a glutton of the wearisome books
You play it safe 'cause you know RH i s a damn right answer
to put it into the top one place, always
What if I cannot explicitly draw an analogy
between your taste of books and music you eventually picked
does it mean that i have mistakenly deduced the whole thing.
To make myself like a pathetic prick
surreptitiously you mumble I'm not a fucking highbrow
"just too rash to assert, just need a transmutation."
Don't just sign me into some, wacky workshop as you want
Don't count me in as you want to play a prank
I do rather go to rock, powerful rhythm in my ear
let sound waves strike you down, we are jumping up and down
wallop, wallop, wallop, wallop, wallop, wallop!
What would you cautiously pick out for your island records?
being afraid you depend on what you just saw on TV
without a hitch you fall to follow shallow recommendations
manipulated by the invisible men
Discouragingly found out we still believe in charts or diagrams
directly rules the tendency of our society
the announced taste is exactly about the consumerism
To make yourself like a tedious prick
then contemptuously you mumble I'm not in reality
"just see what you can get, restrainedness plus concession"
Time to clamor for some change, don't just sitting in the pouts
It's self-inflicted if you always stay the same
I do rather go to rock, powerful rhythm in my ear
let sound waves strike you down, we are jumping up and down
wallop, wallop, wallop, wallop, wallop, wallop!
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