L'homme qui a la lueur dans le noir

la lumière
dans mes yeux je la tiens
elle va me brûler

Coincé et cerné
par les horreurs
Elle se répand
Je me voir

Approche-moi luttant
dans le noir
je te passe cette lueur
(et) caresse ta joue

C'est à toi que j'ai
confié mon trésor
c'est pour toi que je
deviens aveugle

je crains qu'un jour
nous tomberons
en morceaux comme
la neige en feu

j'ai échoué
ne puis comprendre
nouvelle révolte
la morosité

Tu ne me réponds rien
Je ne t'intéresse plus
mets moi le feu
incendie moi

si l'amour pâlit
si l'éclat s'éteint
écrase mon coeur

The story is about a man who is surrounded by the dark. However, he conserves the last light in his eye/mouth to light up the surrounding that he wants. Although he has the light, he is so afraid that he will lost the light when he opens his month or use his eyes to see the dark. THEN, there's someone approaching to him. He knows the person coming with goodness. However he is not sure of giving this chance by risking the last light/hope. HE could open his eyes to see the person, who maybe love him, but he is not sure. The man hesitates.

THEN, he is whispering as if he tries to tell the person, that she can touch him gently, to express her kindness, to hug him and let him feel safe. At the same time, he worries that once he has her. As the time he loses her, the world is dark without the light, because he has given out the light at the moment he opens his eyes to see her. SO, he wishes, when she is going to leave him, he wants to be burned down, like dieing with the light. The light signifies the only hope of living. THUS, this is just one song about hesitation and giving. Owning one thing that we really want sometimes worths the world that we believe. Before we really have it, the man who is indecisive is living in the pain and presuming the coming happiness (a contrary the pain that he really processes)

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