一群多年失聯的好朋友在一場喪禮後,閱讀到好友多年前留下的日記與剪報。他們回想起關於自己的青春時光,探索體制外居住可能性的抗爭年代。日記版本的內容,漸漸融合在彼此對文字與自我的之中。我們討論台灣,比照80年代對居住議題的反動,又有多少歷史不斷重演著? 又有多少令人群起抗議的居住不正義呢?以類似民俗誌(Ethnography)的創作呈現這個系列的脈絡。有秋水茶的歌,格魯特凱則的錄音檔,文獻資料,荷蘭報紙剪報,我們討論著都市更新和居住結構,尋找自己對這座島嶼,多一點書寫現況的可能方式。
After a funeral of Kleb, a group of friends reunited for his final wish: read his diary, the stories that they merely remembered. While reading the forgotten stories and recalling, the uncertainty grew and formed a massive collective memory about their golden era: fighting for alternative housing in that canal city. In the appropriation of historical events and social phenomenon of the Netherlands, its rebellion for housing justice, are we still facing similar social issues in modern Taiwan? What makes us go on the street for our rights? Using systematic study as Ethnography, I try to present the subject by songs, recording from radio, paper, dissertation, or journals, to provoke the discussion of urban renewal and housing framing in search of possibilities to write about this island, Taiwan.
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