

Last week I rented a scooter in this island. I have heard that the police is really corrupted so they would raise unreasonable charges (like lost of sense of direction while driving, or invent some documents which never existed) to foreign drivers, and the money goes to their pockets of course.



On the way to the volcano, we were actually stopped by the police who blocked the road. Only foreigners, same as said. Later, the broken English speaking cop started to examine our driving documents and quickly invented a new document which never existed. Well, he began the game...

"You are illegal driving but I can manage to charge you as speeding for the first time punishment. You have two options here..." Of course these two options sounds so identical so there is the only one, bribe him. IDR250000.

接著他把責任交給另一個負責收錢的鬍子男,他拿出一本罰單(我想那應該也是黑帳,不存在的假文件)開始說:「250000, 請,然後在這簽名。」Game on. 反正剛剛也只聽到一個模糊的數字,就從50000開始吧。

「咦....? 我不懂,剛剛他說五萬耶...」我開始裝傻。



Later he handed over to another cop with moustache who doesn't speak English well. He took out a book for registering the fine (looks very official, but it definitely just looks like a official book). Then he said, "250,000, please (take out your money), and sign here". It was so game on, no matter what, I merely understand anything when he explained, I'd start from something low.

"Mm...? Is it 50000?" I pretend I was surprised by what he proposed.

"No, 250000. I can fine you 2 million. Do you want to pay 2 million IDR?" He was pointing at another number on the book.

"But...he said (he never said) it is 50000..." I keep my act. So there were back and forth. He insisted, furious and I pretend I don't know. Finally moustache called the English speaking back.




Because I pretended that I didn't understand what he was explaining the 250000, I made him explain twice so I can come up with my next move. Then surely they want 250000 from us. Later there was only the moustache cop, I started to look for lower number on the fine book.

"There is 100000, why am I not 100000?" I asked.

"No, you are 250000, but I can ask 2 million." He was still so greedy.

"Mm??? ...there is 100000, why we 250000?" "Can we pay 100000?" "How about 100000?"

Anyway, we wasted just 10 mins to get the deal for 100,000, equal to 8 euro for getting away this trouble. 

Later we were back on the road.

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