Autumn Tea 2014 Urban Project II
秋水茶 2014 都市觀察計畫 II
In 1970s, we witnessed how Amsterdam's urban renewal plans went wrong. The good intention of building a better city, gradually turns into the magnets of outrage committed by its citizens arising against the government and the depression of youth generation shown by squatting movement as an urban anarchism.
In 2010s, experiencing the urban renewal of Taiwanese government, the social injustice and housing bubble, leads all the ways to "The Road to Serfdom", as the discourse by Friedrich August von Hayek in 1940s.
"There isn't anymore a place called HOME."
June 15
二零一零年代,同樣正經歷著都市更新的台灣社會,社會不公和房產泡沫化等皆顯露出,如同諾貝爾經濟學獎得主Friedrich August von Hayek的著作所提及的,法治原為個人自由的屏障,由於無限制的立法擴張,現在卻一步一步侵蝕個人自由,我們將【通往奴役之路】。
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