PIPE 活動簡介


游牧在後搖滾及民謠之間,寧靜憂傷、亦說亦唱試圖拼湊出古典/民謠/獨立搖滾的混合配置, 冀以對照台灣當代都市變遷概況,產生當代生活對話的新型意義。



如同Anselm Franke所說,「這個社會(現代性)究竟對你來說到底是什麼?它怎麼影響了我們的心情與想法?這個社會現象已經如何改變你的日常生活了?」

Autumn Tea, normalizing between folk and post-rock, personal record of urban observation, is to search for the dialogue of modern taiwanese society observation.

In Urban Project II, we discover the repetitive historical events by pilling and accumulation, the link in between each events cannot suggest lecteurs or specactateurs what the following actions can be taken on, but leaves the roles in the past. The subjectivity of listener should take place its dominant roles. By the sheer line of what stories left behind, the spectateurs will be provoked to lead their future. The neutral position from dualism (no matter sacre or evil), is the main purpose to achieve in writing and expression to release the confrontation created by modernity. Thus, by reading the discourse, we would be led to understand that we are not fighting against the monsters or enemies constructed by the form of dualism, but we ought to discover the shadow of this structure, by its origin and events to identify the whole picture of our modern society.

According to Anselm Franke, *what does this society, the modernity mean to you? How does it influence your feelings and thoughts? How does this social phenomenon influence your daily life? *

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